My research investigates how tropical coral reefs are changing in the face of our climate crisis and the role of climate refuges and local community management in global conservation. Trained as a field biologist, I am a certified scientific diver and have published 60+ publications in leading scientific journals, including Science, Nature, Ecology Letters, and Conservation Letters. I am also an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Toronto.
Biodiversity needs every tool in the box—use OECMs (2021)
Gurney GG, Darling ES, Ahmadia G, Agostini VN, Ban NC, Blythe J, Claudet J, Epstein G, Estradivari, Himes-Cornell A, Jonas HD, Armitage D, Campbell SJ, Cox C, Friedman WR, Gill DA, Lestari P, Mangubhai S, Mcleod E, Muthiga NA, Naggea J, Ranaivoson R, Wenger A, Yulianto I and SD Jupiter
Temperature patterns and mechanisms influencing coral bleaching during the 2016 El Niño (2019)
McClanahan TR, Darling ES, Maina JM, Muthiga N, D’agata S, Jupiter S, Arthur R, SK Wilson, Mangubhai S, Nand Y, Ussi AM, Humphries AT, Patankar VJ, Guillaume MMM, Keith SA, Sheddrawi G, Julius P, Grimsditch G, and J Ndagala
Implementing a social-ecological systems framework for conservation monitoring: lessons from a multi-country coral reef program (2019)
Gurney GG, Darling ES, Jupiter SD, Mangubhai S, McClanahan TR, Lestari P, Pardede S, Campbell SJ, Fox M, Naisilisili W, Muthiga NA, D’agata S, Holmes KE and N Rossi
Social-environmental drivers inform strategic management of coral reefs in the Anthropocene (2019)
Darling ES, McClanahan TR, Maina JM, Gurney GA, Graham NAJ, Januchowski-Hartley F, Cinner JE, Mora C, Hicks CC, Maire E, Puotinen M, Skirving WJ, Adjeroud M, Ahmadia G, Arthur R, Bauman A, Beger M, Berumen M, Bigot L, Bouwmeester J, Brenier A, Bridge T, Brown E, Campbell S, Cannon S, Cauvin B, Chen AC, Claudet J, Denis V, Donner S, Estradivari, Fadli N, Feary D, Fenner D, Fox H, Franklin E, Friedlander A, Gilmour J, Goiran C, Guest J, Hobbs J, Hoey A, Houk P, Johnson S, Jupiter S, Kayal M, Kuo C, Lamb J, Lee M, Low J, Muthiga N, Muttaqin E, Nand Y, Nash K, Nedlic O, Pandolfi J, Pardede S, Patankar V, Penin L, Ribas-Deulofeu L, Richards Z, Roberts TE, Rodgers K, Safuan C, Sala E, Shedrawi G, Sin TM, Smallhorn-West P, Smith JE, Sommer B, Steinberg PD, Sutthacheep M, Tan CHJ, Williams GJ, Wilson S, Yeemin T, Bruno JF, Fortin MJ, Krkosek M and D Mouillot
Seeking resilience in marine ecosystems (2018)
Darling ES and IM Côté